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Everett Miner, NASM-CPT



Miner Fitness coaches busy professionals through achieving their ideal physique with evidence-based resistance training and sustainable nutrition strategies. Specializing in fat loss & strength training, I implement integrated training principles into our programming from the NASM OPT model such as flexibility, cardiorespiratory, balance, core, plyometrics, speed, agility, quickness, and resistance training.


Experience & Knowledge

With over 10 years in the fitness realm, I've explored various training methodologies, from powerlifting to bodybuilding. My knowledge extends beyond practice; I've immersed myself in the NASM curriculum, not just to pass exams, but to deeply understand every aspect of fitness training.

Personal Strength Achievements

In my own training, I've reached significant strength milestones, including bench pressing over 1.5x times my body weight for reps, squatting 2x my body weight, performing strict overhead presses at 1x my body weight, and executing pull ups of 100lbs. Not the best in the world, but definitely the best ME!


Overcoming Challenges

My journey includes overcoming unhealthy eating habits and borderline eating disorders by building a healthy relationship with food. This personal experience shapes my approach to nutrition and wellness, emphasizing psychological well-being alongside physical fitness. I grew up a chubby kid so in high school I starved myself and did endless cardio to become skinny. Then I bulked too hard to try and build muscle and hated myself even more. It took me years of trial and error to learn how to actually get lean, stay lean, and build muscle without hating myself and then loving the process. 

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NASM Certification & Continuous Learning

As a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, my commitment to continual learning in fitness and nutrition is unwavering. I've enriched my knowledge through a variety of sources, including acclaimed books like "Starting Strength" and “NSCA’s Guide to Program Design.” I even dabble in understanding unconventional methods such as “The TB12 Method” because I want to know it all! I’ve also taken several nutrition courses at the college level (and yes, I got A's 😉)


Evidence-Based Approach

My training philosophy is grounded in science. I stay updated with the latest research to ensure my methods are effective and safe. And for your safety, I am not afraid to refer to the right medical expert, respecting the scopes of practice.


Practical Experience with Elite Athletes & Training Others

My training journey has been enhanced by working alongside elite powerlifters at the UConn Barbell Club during my time at the University of Connecticut. I am beyond grateful for that opportunity. I have successfully trained multiple individuals, from young athletes to middle-aged women, helping them achieve their fitness goals from fat loss to strength training through personalized, scientifically-backed programs. 

2024 by Miner Fitness.

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